Injection of botulinum can improve the face shape, cannot really change the face shape.
Principle: The masticatory muscles are located on the outside of the lower jaw angle. The muscles of the chewing person are particularly well developed. As a result, the face shape becomes wider and wider. Injection of botulinum can reduce the thickness of the masticatory muscle. The face is improved, but it is well developed jaw bone is not affected by botulinum, face shape is not really changed; development or postoperative recovery period, the injection of botulinum can prevent excessive development of the jaw bone or regeneration.
Use: Masticatory muscles are large muscles, with a higher injection dose to get a significant effect, directly inject botulinum in the muscle.
- Do not do facial massage on the day of injection
- Injection of a week appeared to reduce the phenomenon of strength, muscle has not significantly reduced
- Injection of a month showed significant muscle reduction phenomenon
- The effect of maintaining six to eight months, people like to chew, time will be shortened
- Every six months to one year repeated the injection in order to maintain the effect
Simple operation, high security, the effect is obvious, no recovery period
Do not change the skeleton, the effect is only muscle hypertrophy type of people, the treatment costs are expensive, and must repeat the Injection, the economic benefits are not high, may be sequelae include: facial expression imbalance, dry mouth, speak is not clear and so on.
Be applicable:
- cannot accept face-shaped surgery, just want to improve the face shape of the people.
- purely masticatory muscle hypertrophy type
- masticatory muscle hypertrophy, and ready to accept the lower jaw angle surgery, early in the week before surgery can reduce postoperative swelling and pain.
- just after the removal of the jaw angle surgery, injection can prevent bone regeneration.