Chin surgery

臉形雕塑講究的是視覺重組的概念 ,醫師在每個人不同的基礎條件下,做出最恰當的專業判斷和技術支持,透過調整比例和線條,提升立體度。術前和醫師的溝通很重要,是因為「 工作關係」呢,還是個人單純的「追求美麗」,不同的需求會有不同的作法,如:

  • 職業因素,需要上鏡頭的話,可以強調線條感。
  • 非職業需求的考量,我們就讓線條符合自然。除此之外,想要偏成熟感呢或是可愛感,也都會有不同的作法。
U形下巴 U形下巴
菱角下巴 菱角下巴
Positive short chin 短下巴
Positive short chin 長下巴
Positive short chin 標準下巴
不對稱下巴 不對稱下巴
後縮下巴 後縮下巴
標準下巴 標準下巴
戽斗下巴 戽斗下巴

下巴整形在臉形雕塑裡扮演著很重要的位置,下巴的調整可以達到較大幅度的視覺假象,雕塑臉形未必只能靠減法,如:臉太圓,除下顎骨的削骨外,也可以是透過下巴延長手術,去調整臉部比例 。下巴手術是例用手術縫線控制下巴外形,在不影響正常功能的情況下,將肌肉固定在我們希望的活動範圍內,不讓它外擴。手術方法分為以下幾種:

  1. 磨骨(改善有限)
  2. 人工骨填充
  3. 截骨手術(延長、縮短或縮窄)
  4. 下巴肌肉縫合
* 人工骨填充示意1
* 人工骨填充示意2
* 人工骨填充示意3

Chin osteotomy can be used to extend the chin, shorten the chin or narrow the chin.
Will horizontal truncate the chin bone, do the appropriate move, before, after, up, down or compound mashup move to reach the chin push forward, backward , elongate, shorten purpose.
Common cutting method - large angle short axis cutting method, is in accordance with the guidance of textbooks, large angle, short axis cutting, technology is simple, fast, but easy to leave a clear fault, not easy to polish, resulting in appearance defects and problems.
Cai Zongru physician innovation breakthrough, exclusive cutting method - small angle long axis cutting method, switch to small angle, long axis cutting method, can completely eliminate the fault defect, so that the results close to a perfect perfection, but the higher difficulty, unskilled physician is not easy to use.
General common cutting method
下巴截骨手術 Dr. ZongRu Tsai physician innovation breakthrough
Small angle long axis cutting method
Full titanium staple fixation
Do not use bone graft to fill the gap
下巴截骨手術 General common cutting method
Large angle short axis cutting method
Dr. Roye Tsai
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Add:5F., No.107, Sec. 4, RenAi Rd., Taipei, Taiwan

Tel:02-2772-8887 Fax:0227725822
Wechat ID:miniface_info LINE ID:ID:@miniface

Miniface have no counselors, reply letters by the physician himself, please forgive me if the reply letter late, in general, reply time of 2 to 7 days, no patient to wait for the appointment of outpatient consultation.
Online consultant please provide the following photos: No makeup positive photo / left side 45 degrees / left side 90 degrees / right side 45 degrees / right side 90 degrees
Suggestions to add photos: makeup photo / whole body of life photos
Miniface no consultants, all professional issues answered by the physician personally. Friends or relatives can participate in the consultation, in order to maintain the quality of consultation, do not exceed three person. For special personal privacy needs, please inform the physician first. Can carry information or photos for the physician reference, discuss. The initial cost of five hundred dollars, can be deducted from the surgery fee.
Before the appointment of surgery by physician assessment, consultation method: (1) consultation physician mailbox (2) appointment outpatient consultation.
Please read the preoperative instructions and check items before surgery. After payment of the deposit, we will reserve your scheduled date of operation. "The surgical procedure need physicians with a high degree of focus and commitment, every day of surgery, every physician, only a large amount of surgery, for you to go all out." - is a micro-mini insistence. If you have any reasons need to change the date of operation, please call one day before the operation, otherwise the deposit is not refundable, please be understandable.
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