Face shape sculpture surgery must be carried out by general anesthesia, the clinic face shape surgery using anesthesia method:
• Gas inhalation anesthetics - Halogen gas anesthetic drugs, a long history of anesthesia, is a gas inhalation narcotic drug, after years of continuous research and development, several generations of drugs have been developed, the clinic used new generation of Isoflurane, and Sevoflurane:
Advantages: the use of a long history, anesthesia practitioners operating a high degree of familiarity.
Disadvantages: This type of drug may cause adverse reactions, that is, "malignant high fever", must be prepared enough emergency medicine - Dantrolene. The chance of vomiting occurrence is high, poor comfort.
• Injection anesthetic: new narcotic drugs, are high-fat-soluble liquid, through the intravenous injection into the body; the clinic used drugs is Propofol.
Advantages: no malignant hyperthermia doubts, low postoperative vomiting, probability of high comfort, surgery is like sleeping in general.
Disadvantages: drugs through the liver metabolism, liver dysfunction is not suitable for long-term use, because the new narcotic drugs, anesthesia costs higher.
Whether it is injection or inhalation anesthesia, are the clinic optional anesthesia, the principle of the choice is that the general operation of the use of injectable anesthesia; for liver function may be abnormal, we recommend the choice of inhalation anesthesia, To cope with long-term surgery.